1014 Windows SteadyState service to manage user sessions
1024 ERROR
1025 Session=%lu Timeout=%lu minutes.
1026 Session=%lu.
1027 Unable to get user SID
1028 Unable to open current user's registry key
1029 Update manager service failed to initialize
1030 WBEM locater service failed to initialize
1031 CoInitializeSecurity failed
1032 Unable to re-enable user %s after installing updates, error code 0x%lx
1033 An error occured while attempting to re-enable users after doing an update
1034 An error occured while running update scripts
1035 An error occured while attempting to set VCF mode to commit to do an update
1036 An error occured while attempting to restore VCF mode to discard after doing an update
1037 An unexpected error occured while disabling user in preparation for an update
1038 An unexpected error occured during the automated update process
1039 Windows SteadyState must reboot the system for a scheduled software update
1040 The system will be shut down in 10 minutes for a scheduled update.
1041 The system will be shut down in less than 10 minutes for a scheduled update.
1042 The system is currently being updated and will be shut down when the updates are complete.
1043 WindowsUpdates.vbs
1044 Windows Disk Protection requires that the virtual memory paging file is set to a fixed size or is located on a non-system drive. Click OK to set the paging file so the minimum and maximum sizes are the same value, or click Cancel to turn off Windows Disk Protection.
1045 Windows Disk Protection may not work
1046 Windows Disk Protection is about to restart the computer. Please wait.\n\nDo not manually turn off or restart the computer.